Research shows that esports and online gaming offer a wide range of benefits that often mirror the benefits players experience on the field. STX Soccer’s expansion into esports carries these benefits from the pitch to the virtual world by offering new opportunities to continue the development of youth through esports.
- Increases teamwork and communication skills
- Improves hand eye coordination and cognitive abilities
- Promotes problem solving and memory
- Support 21st century skills – critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, etc.
- Provides STEM educational experiences and technological literacy
- Esports scholarships are offered at more than 200+ universities with a network of career opportunities

- Provides a safe environment for esports and online gaming
- Reduces online interactions between youth and potential predators
- Instills community values to support positive experiences on and off the field
- Promotes inclusivity, anti-bullying, and anti-toxicity
- Provides community support and balance through traditional sports and esports alike
- Expands programs in off-seasons
- Provides inclusivity to non-traditional athletes
- Increases community engagement and brand value
- Provides added revenue streams to support organizations
- Esports can be supported virtually and in-person